CustomSetup - Version 1.1.3
CustomSetup - Это программа, которая автоматически устанавливает скины игроков, загруженных вами ( так же имеются встроенные скины ) на 3 категории игроков:
1. Администраторы
2. VIP пользователи
3. Простые пользователи
1. Скачиваем архивчик с CustomSetup
2. устанавливаем в директорию так, что бы получился путь вида: /cstrike/addons/eventscripts/CustomSetup/
3. Добавляем строку es_load CustomSetup в Ваш autoexe.cfg
4. Теперь настраиваем конфигурацию скинов:
admin1 = "STEAM_0:0:15646786"
admin2 = "STEAM_0:0:00000000"
kirby = "slow/kirby/"
flamingo = "slow/flamingo/"
panther_ct = "pink_server/pink_panther/pink_panther_ct.mdl"
panther_t = "pink_server/pink_panther/pink_panther_t.mdl"
#skin5 = "directory/[sub_directory/][file.mdl]"
#skin6 = "directory/[sub_directory/][file.mdl]"
vip2 = "STEAM_0:0:00000000"
vip1 = "STEAM_0:0:00000000"
custom_command = "!model"
custom_join_choose = 1
custom_skin_bot = 1
custom_skin_ct = "kirby, flamingo"
custom_skin_vip_ct = "panther_ct"
custom_skin_t = "kirby, flamingo"
custom_skin_vip_t = "panther_t"
#To add more admin, proceeds as this (admin3, admin4, etc.):
# admin3 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
# admin4 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
#To remove admin, add a "#" in front the desired line:
# #admin3 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
# #admin4 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
#To add more vip, proceeds as this (vip3, vip4, etc.):
# vip3 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
# vip4 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
#To remove vip, add a "#" in front the desired line:
# #vip3 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
# #vip4 = "STEAM_0:0:000000"
#To add more skins, proceeds as this (name_of_skin = "a/a"):
# kirby = "slow/kirby/"
# skin5 = "directory/[sub_directory/][file.mdl]"
#To remove skins, add a "#" in front the desired line:
# #kirby = "slow/kirby/"
# #skin5 = "directory/[sub_directory/][file.mdl]"
#Systeme de configuration:
# custom_command:
# The command to open the menu (default = "!model")
# custom_join_choose:
# The menu will open when the player is joining a team (1 = yes, 0 = no)
# custom_skin_bot:
# Set a random skin to bots (1 = yes, 0 = no)
# custom_skin_ct:
# The skins will be availables for ct's,
# Put the skin into quote separe by a coma like this ("skin1, skin2")
# custom_skin_t:
# The skins will be availables for t's,
# Put the skin into quote separated by a coma like this ("skin1, skin2")
# custom_skin_vip_ct:
# The skins will be availables for vip t's,
# Put the skin into quote separated by a coma like this ("skin1, skin2")
# custom_skin_vip_t:
# The skins will be availables for vip t's,
# Put the skin into quote separated by a coma like this ("skin1, skin2")
Вместо данных стимов, вставляем желаемые. Так же можно прописать путь к директории с вашими скинами!
в) Сохраняем файл configuration.cfg и перезагружаем сервер!